Rough Nights

Discover the mystery of the Rough Nights 2025/26 and dive into a time filled with myths, reflection, and new beginnings

Meaning of the Rough Nights

The term "Rough Nights" refers to the twelve nights from Christmas Eve on December 24th to the Feast of the Three Kings on January 6th.

Depending on the region and spelling, the Rough Nights are also called "Rauchnächte" or "Raunächte." The etymology of the term "Rough Night" is not definitively proven. Some speculate that the name comes from the Middle High German word "rûch," meaning "hairy/furry," referring to the furry beings active during this time, while others are certain that the name derives from "Rauh" (wild) or "Rauch/Räuchern" (smoke/smoking). The tradition of the Rough Nights is rooted in Germanic and Celtic customs. In ancient times, people oriented themselves by the lunar cycle. A lunar year, based on a month of 29.5 days, spanned 354 days, thus being shorter than the solar year with 365 days. To compensate for the missing 11 days and 12 nights, the Celts added 11 additional intercalary days to the year. These days are considered to be "outside normal time" and, in a sense, do not exist. During this interim period, natural laws do not apply, and the veil between our world and the Otherworld – the realm of the deceased, ancestors, and spirits – becomes thinner. Therefore, the Rough Nights are considered the perfect time for manifesting.

Traditionally, the Rough Nights begin on the night of December 24th to 25th and end on the night of January 5th to 6th. These 12 nights have symbolic significance, as each represents a month of the upcoming year and foretells events of each respective month.

For many, however, the magical time starts with the "Sperrnächte," which begin each year on December 8th and last until December 20th. They are seen as a kind of review of the past year. The Rough Nights traditionally commence on the night of December 21st to 22nd, also known as the Winter Solstice or Thomas Night, which is the longest and darkest night of the year.

Do's & Don'ts during the Rough Nights


During the Rough Nights, there are many positive customs and activities traditionally practiced to bring luck, protection, and blessings for the coming year.

Here's a brief summary of things that can be done during the Rough Nights:

  • Rituals and Prayers:
    Many people use the Rough Nights to perform rituals, prayers, or meditations. This can help set intentions and goals for the new year and experience spiritual renewal.
  • Divination and Fortune-Telling:
    In some cultures, divination methods like Tarot card readings, using a pendulum, or reading coffee grounds are practiced during the Rough Nights to gain insights into the future.
  • Smudging:
    Smudging with special herbs or resins is often carried out to dispel negative energies and promote positive vibrations.
  • Protection Rituals:
    It's common to conduct protection rituals to safeguard the home and family from evil influences. This can include placing protective symbols or blessing the house.
  • Dream Journal:
    Keeping a dream journal during the Rough Nights is often practiced to record dreams and visions. These can serve as guidance for the coming year.
  • Lighting Candles:
    Lighting candles, especially in special colors or with specific scents, can bring positive energy and light into the darkness of the Rough Nights.


During the Rough Nights, there are various traditions that dictate what should be avoided or handled with extra caution. The customs of the Rough Nights are strongly influenced by regional traditions and personal beliefs. In some places, the time between the years was considered so dangerous that special rules were followed.

Here is a brief summary of what should not be done:

  • Working:
    In some traditions, it is recommended to avoid heavy work or major projects during the Rough Nights.
  • Hanging Laundry:
    Hanging laundry outdoors is avoided, as the Rough Nights are seen as a time when evil spirits or demons could be particularly active. It is believed they could contaminate the laundry.
  • Cutting Hair:
    Cutting hair during the Rough Nights is avoided in some cultures, as it is considered bad luck or a bad omen.
  • Arguments and Negative Thoughts:
    It is advised to be peaceful and positive during the Rough Nights, as negative energies should be avoided.
  • House Cleaning:
    A thorough cleaning of the house is often conducted before the beginning of the Rough Nights to release old energies and make room for new ones. However, cleaning should not be done during the Rough Nights to not disturb the protective forces and energies.
  • Noise Disturbance:
    In some traditions, it is recommended to avoid making loud noises or having parties at night, so as not to disturb or annoy the spirits.

The 12 Rough Nights

Nights and their monthly assignments

1. Rough Night
24. / 25. December
2. Rough Night
25. / 26. December
3. Rough Night
26. / 27. December
4. Rough Night
27. / 28. December
5. Rough Night
28. / 29. December
6. Rough Night
29. / 30. December
7. Rough Night
30. / 31. December
8. Rough Night
31. Dez. / 1. January
9. Rough Night
1. / 2. January
10. Rough Night
2. / 3. January
11. Rough Night
3. / 4. January
12. Rough Night
4. / 5. January

Customs and Rituals

The 13 Wishes Ritual is perhaps the best-known and most mysterious of the Rough Nights rituals. This ritual is designed to help manifest wishes and goals for the coming year.

Here's how it works:

  • Preparation: Prepare 13 small pieces of paper.
  • Writing Wishes: Write down one wish for the coming year on each piece of paper. These can be personal goals, hopes, or dreams.
  • Beginning of the Ritual: The ritual typically begins on the first day of the Rough Nights, December 25th.
  • Daily Burning: Burn one of the papers each day, without looking at which wish it was. This symbolizes letting go and trusting that the universe or a higher power will fulfill your wish at the right time.
  • The Last Paper: The 13th paper is not burned. It should be opened on the last Rough Night. Thus, you have surrendered 12 of your 13 wishes. The last wish is for you to take care of yourself.

The 13 Wishes Ritual is a beautiful way to prepare for the new year and to become conscious of what you really desire. It is not just about fulfilling the wishes but also about the process of letting go and trusting in the future.

Smudging during the Rough Nights has deeply rooted traditions and meanings:

  • Expelling Evil Spirits and Demons: In old traditions, it was believed that during the Rough Nights, the boundary between the real world and the afterlife was especially thin. Smudging was intended to drive away evil spirits and demons that were particularly active during this time.
  • Purification and Protection: The smoke also had a purifying effect, both physically and spiritually. Smudging was used to cleanse homes and stables to ward off diseases and misfortune and to ask for protection for the coming year.
  • Traditional Herbs and Resins: Special herbs and resins were often used for smudging, varying depending on the region and often having special symbolic significance.

These customs are deeply embedded in European folklore, particularly in Germanic and Alpine cultures, reflecting the beliefs and culture of those times. They have been passed down from generation to generation and are still alive in some regions today.

What can I use for smudging?

You can choose whether you want to use a ready-made smudge stick (e.g., white sage or frankincense) or prefer to place a smudging mix on charcoal in a smudging bowl.

Here are some of the most common herbs used for smudging: 

  • Frankincense is cleansing and blessing. It is often used to elevate spiritual energies and create a sacred atmosphere.
  • Sage is known for its strong cleansing effect. It is used to dispel negative energies and promote clarity.
  • Juniper is protective and cleansing. It is often used to dispel negative energies and draw a protective circle.

When should smudging be done:

  • December 21st/22nd (Thomas Night/Winter Solstice): This night is suitable for reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to the new one. It is the longest and darkest night of the year.
  • December 24th/25th (Start of the Rough Nights): This night marks the beginning of the Rough Nights. Traditionally, the house is smudged on this night to protect it from negative influences.
  • December 31st/January 1st (End of the Year): This night, often celebrated as New Year's Eve, is a particularly important Rough Night. This time is often used to bid farewell to the old year, drive away negative energies, and welcome the new year.
  • January 5th/6th (End of the Rough Nights): This is the last night of the Rough Nights, also known as "Epiphany Night." Smudging on this night is done to ask for protection and blessings for the coming year.

Dreams can be particularly significant during the Rough Nights and can be interpreted as insights into your subconscious or even as harbingers of future events. Here are some steps you can follow for dream interpretation during the Rough Nights:

  • Keep a Dream Journal: Place your notebook beside your bed and write down as many details as possible about your dreams every morning immediately after waking up.
  • Recognize Symbols and Patterns: Pay attention to recurring symbols or patterns in your dreams during the Rough Nights. These could be clues to certain themes or messages.
  • Analyze Emotions: Consider your emotions and feelings regarding your dreams. Emotions can provide important clues on how to interpret the dreams.
  • Ask Questions: Before going to bed, you can ask specific questions or concerns about your life, your future, or your spiritual development.

Meditating during the Rough Nights can be especially profound and meaningful. Experiment with different meditation practices to find out which works best for you and brings you peace.

Here are some ideas for how to meditate during the Rough Nights:

  • Create a Quiet and Undisturbed Space: Find a place where you can meditate and relax without interruptions.
  • Light a Candle: Consider lighting a candle to create a special atmosphere.
  • Use Incense: Smudging with herbs, resins, or incense sticks can support your meditation and establish a spiritual connection.
  • Set a Clear Intention for Your Meditation: You can ask for guidance and clarity during the Rough Nights, or simply immerse yourself in silence to hear your inner wisdom.
  • Start Your Meditation with Conscious Breathing: Deep and slow inhalation and exhalation can help calm the mind and bring you into a meditative state.
  • Repeat Mantras or Affirmations: During your meditation, repeating mantras or affirmations that are meaningful to you can help focus on your theme or intention.
  • Meditate in Silence: You can also meditate in silence without any specific techniques. Let your thoughts settle.
  • Or Take a Rough Nights Course: Consider booking a Rough Nights course of your choice and participate in a guided meditation there.

Using Tarot cards is a popular method to gain insights into future events. During the Rough Nights, you can draw a Tarot card or use a complete deck to explore your fate. Special oracle card sets for the Rough Nights often contain messages and symbols that are aligned with this magical time.

Guide to the Rough Nights

Explore ways to make the Roughnights meaningful for yourself, with support from experts and coaches.

Open Guide


Frequently Asked Questions about the Rough Nights

A candle is lit in the window during the Holy Nights as an ancient custom. These 12 nights between Christmas and Epiphany symbolise each month of the year and invite us to look back and look ahead. Find out more about this tradition and its significance.

Certain things should be avoided during the Rough Nights, such as washing clothes, whistling in the early morning, slamming doors loudly and carrying out work. These activities are said to bring bad luck. It is advisable to respect these old customs in order to protect your home and yard.

The 12 Rough Nights are days outside of time and are regarded as gateways to the supernatural world. During this time, the laws of the universe are suspended. The Rough Nights begin on the night of the 24th to the 25th. They symbolise a time when the mystical and spiritual level is particularly accessible.

There are many other traditional rituals that you can try out during the Rough Nights. Some examples are burning incense in the house, placing incense burners, holding Rough Nights rituals or hanging amulets. These practices are performed to ensure good luck and protection for the coming year. It is important to choose the ones that are most meaningful to you.

Start by reflecting on the experiences and insights you gained during the Rough Nights. What did you experience and write down in your dreams, rituals and meditations during this time? At the beginning of each new month, take a look at what you wrote down and set yourself goals for that night. Don't forget to take care of your 13th wish (if you have done the 13th wish ritual). The time after the Rough Nights offers you the opportunity to use the spiritual connection and the insights you have gained to realise your goals and dreams.

Tradition dictates that you should finalise the old, return what you have borrowed and settle your debts. You can also buy a Rough Nights diary, incense and oracle cards. If you would like to be accompanied through the Rauhnächte, you can choose a suitable course from our Rauhnachtskurse.

What happens during the Rough Nights? //

A candle is lit in the window during the Holy Nights as an ancient custom. These 12 nights between Christmas and Epiphany symbolise each month of the year and invite us to look back and look ahead. Find out more about this tradition and its significance.

What are you not allowed to do during the Rouhnights? //

Certain things should be avoided during the Rough Nights, such as washing clothes, whistling in the early morning, slamming doors loudly and carrying out work. These activities are said to bring bad luck. It is advisable to respect these old customs in order to protect your home and yard.

What do the 12 Rough Nights stand for? //

The 12 Rough Nights are days outside of time and are regarded as gateways to the supernatural world. During this time, the laws of the universe are suspended. The Rough Nights begin on the night of the 24th to the 25th. They symbolise a time when the mystical and spiritual level is particularly accessible.

What should you do during the Rough Nights? //

There are many other traditional rituals that you can try out during the Rough Nights. Some examples are burning incense in the house, placing incense burners, holding Rough Nights rituals or hanging amulets. These practices are performed to ensure good luck and protection for the coming year. It is important to choose the ones that are most meaningful to you.

What do I do with the information from the Rough Nights in the following year? //

Start by reflecting on the experiences and insights you gained during the Rough Nights. What did you experience and write down in your dreams, rituals and meditations during this time? At the beginning of each new month, take a look at what you wrote down and set yourself goals for that night. Don't forget to take care of your 13th wish (if you have done the 13th wish ritual). The time after the Rough Nights offers you the opportunity to use the spiritual connection and the insights you have gained to realise your goals and dreams.

How can I prepare for the Rough Nights? //

Tradition dictates that you should finalise the old, return what you have borrowed and settle your debts. You can also buy a Rough Nights diary, incense and oracle cards. If you would like to be accompanied through the Rauhnächte, you can choose a suitable course from our Rauhnachtskurse.

This article was written in close collaboration with Rough nights Expert Jennifer Zanker

Jennifer Zanker
Astrosophy Coach, Archetypal Combination Theory
Medial coach, Seelenschimmer Academy
NLP Trainer, Society of NLP

Rought night courses

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13 mag. Nights that make the invisible tangible

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Die Magie der Rauhnächte - Workshop in Basel
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The Twelve Holy Rough Nights 2024/25

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