
Would you like to recommend Sebastos to your community?

Show that you are part of the Sebastos community!
Download our badge and support Sebastos on your website.
Simply choose the design that suits you and paste the HTML code to show that you are a proud member of our community.

Together we inspire the world with knowledge, growth and new opportunities!

Select the desired option.

Select the desired widget or badge.

Copy the code.

Of the selected widget or badge.

Paste the code (HTML) on your website.

The widget will then be displayed exactly in this area.

Available badges for your website
Select the desired badge
Click on the badge you want for your website.
The HTML code is then automatically updated in the field below.
Embed the badge
Copy this HTML code and paste it into your website.
You can set the image size here. Enter a number between 50 and 500.

It is best to adapt the link on the badge to your Sebastos entry.


Need help?

If you need help with the integration of widgets, read our article or contact us.