Expert in Austria

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6 Entries
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Viktoria Cavallo - Hypnosecoach
  • Viktoria Cavallo - Hypnosecoach
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Dagmar Schneider-Damm - Reikischule Schwarzwald
  • Dagmar Schneider-Damm - Reikischule Schwarzwald
Lia Lohrer
Lia Lohrer
For life energy, awareness and happiness
Eveline Immersi - energy work, ice bathing, forest bathing I am Eveline Immersi, an expert in mediumistic and sensitive energy work (energy reading, energy hygiene, trance healing and spiritual coaching and potential development), which...
Adele Jabs - Adele's other world
Adele Jabs - Spiritual coach and shamanic spiritual healer Hello, I am Adele Jabs, a spiritual coach and shamanic spirit healer. My path has been shaped by the deep exploration of the subconscious mind...
Energy medicine specialist
Jessica Mair | healing, miracles & more Energy medicine on- and offline programs Remote healing sessions

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