Expert in Austria

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13 Entries
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Marcel Janorschke | Digital mentoring for more clarity
  • I help you to reach your true greatness
Viktoria Cavallo - Hypnosecoach
Viktoria Cavallo - Hypnosecoach
Dagmar Schneider-Damm - Reikischule Schwarzwald
Dagmar Schneider-Damm - Reikischule Schwarzwald
Lia Lohrer
Lia Lohrer
Schicksalsweg – Karriere – Gesundheit
Hans Philipp - Institut für Persönlichkeitsanalysen Mir liegt es besonders am Herzen, den unentdeckten Schatz der Energieanalyse bzw. Geburtsmusteranalyse für Menschen nutzbar zu machen. Durch eigene Forschungen zu den unbewussten Ursachen...
For life energy, awareness and happiness
Eveline Immersi - energy work, ice bathing, forest bathing I am Eveline Immersi, an expert in mediumistic and sensitive energy work (energy reading, energy hygiene, trance healing and spiritual coaching and potential development), which...
Adele Jabs - Adele's other world
Adele Jabs - Spiritual coach and shamanic spiritual healer Hello, I am Adele Jabs, a spiritual coach and shamanic spirit healer. My path has been shaped by the deep exploration of the subconscious mind...
Energy medicine specialist
Jessica Mair | healing, miracles & more Energy medicine on- and offline programs Remote healing sessions
Mentor für emotionale Freiheit
Michael Geiregger Du fühlst dich gerade festgefahren! Willst hinschmeißen - kannst nicht mehr! Dein Alltag fühlt sich wie ein anstrengender Kampf an! In deinen Beziehungen hast du...
Find your soul plan
Jennifer Zanker - Soulprojektorin Hi, I’m Jennifer Zanker – your Soul Projector. I’m here to help you uncover your soul plan and reconnect with your true essence. Do you...
Feng Shui Schluga
Feng Shui Schluga
Psychische Gesundheit stärken.
Linda - Marlen Leinweber - Psychische Gesundheit stärken. Psychologin, Systemischer Coach (DBVC), Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, Hypnose-Therapeutin. Ich bin Linda-Marlen Leinweber, eine engagierte Psychologin und Coach, die sich darauf spezialisiert hat, die mentale Gesundheit...

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Experts in Austria: Your network for health and well-being

Sebastos provides you access to a wide range of experts specialized in areas such as Health & Healing, Meditation & Movement, Personal Growth & Development, Universal Wisdoms, and Living & Living Space. These professionals employ advanced techniques like biohacking, aromatherapy, and Ayurveda. They are active throughout Austria, from Vienna to Innsbruck, and are eager to share their extensive knowledge with you.

Our experts offer specialized programs in meditation and yoga designed to enhance your mental strength and physical flexibility. These programs aim to reduce stress and boost overall well-being. Whether you live in Graz, Linz, or Salzburg, you will find the right expert for your needs with us.

In the area of personal growth, Sebastos has experts with deep knowledge in astrology and numerology. These experts assist you in better understanding and achieving your life goals. They offer both online sessions and personal consultations in cities like Klagenfurt and Sankt Pölten.

Additionally, our professionals help you sustainably improve your living and living space. Using methods like building biology and landscape healing, they aim to transform your home into a harmonious environment. In cities like Villach, Wels, and Dornbirn, specialists are available to provide support, regardless of your location.

We also provide access to specialists in less common areas such as quantum healing, hypnosis, and systemic constellations. These experts, based in cities like Innsbruck, Villach, and Vienna, offer transformative experiences that can bring profound changes to your life.

Sebastos is the platform where you can learn more about our diverse areas of expertise and discover how you can benefit from the extensive knowledge of our experts. No matter where you are in Austria, we enable you to access a network of leading experts who will support you on your journey to a healthier and more fulfilled life.

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Experts in Vienna
Experts in Graz
Experts in Linz
Experts in Salzburg
Experts in Innsbruck
Experts in Klagenfurt
Experts in Villach
Experts in Wels
Experts in Sankt Pölten
Experts in Dornbirn